Fallout 4 Ww2 Gun Mods
Fallout 4 Ww2 Gun Mods 1.7.10
Item Name | ID Code |
.44 Pistol | 000ce97d |
Eddie's Peace | 00225ae9 |
Kellogg's Pistol | 00225ac1 |
The Gainer | 00225ae7 |
10mm Pistol | 00004822 |
Wastelander's Friend | 001f61e6 |
Deliverer | 000dc8e7 |
Classic 10mm Pistol | 00000000 |
Flare Gun | 001025ac |
Western Revolver | DLC Code + 0415b3 |
Assault Rifle | 0000463f |
December's Child | DLC Code + 014459 |
Overseer's Guardian | 000df42e |
Gauss Rifle | 000d1eb0 |
The Last Minute | 0022b603 |
Handmade Rifle | DLC Code + 033b60 |
Hunting Rifle | 0004f46a |
Reba | 001abc92 |
Reba Ii | 001abc93 |
Tinker Tom Special | 001f2675 |
Lever-action Rifle | DLC Code + 02c8b0 |
Lucky Eddy | DLC Code + 045675 |
Old Reliable | DLC Code + 05158f |
Radium Rifle | DLC Code + 025fc4 |
Kiloton Radium Rifle | DLC Code + 05158e |
Radical Conversion | DLC Code + 045673 |
Railway Rifle | 000fe268 |
Submachine Gun | 0015b043 |
Silver Submachine Gun | 001b28f7 |
Spray N' Pray | 00165181 |
Syringer | 0014d09e |
Combat Shotgun | 0014831c |
Justice | 001f61e4 |
Le Fusil Terribles | 00225771 |
Double-barrel Shotgun | 00092217 |
Pipe Bolt-action | 0014831a |
Pipe Gun | 00024f55 |
Pipe Revolver | 0014831b |
Fat Man | 000bd56f |
Big Boy | 0021a53e |
The Striker | DLC Code + 031702 |
Nuka-nuke Launcher | DLC Code + 05178f |
Flamer | 000e5881 |
Sergeant Ash | DLC Code + 051599 |
Harpoon Gun | DLC Code + 010b81 |
Admiral's Friend | DLC Code + 05158b |
Skipper's Last Stand | DLC Code + 04e752 |
Defender's Harpoon Gun | DLC Code + 032507 |
Junk Jet | 000e942b |
Minigun | 0001f669 |
Ashmaker | 001f252e |
Missile Launcher | 0003f6f8 |
Partystarter | 001f61e5 |
Death From Above | 00225969 |
Broadsider | 000fd11b |
Institute Laser | 001633cc |
Virgil's Rifle | 00225aba |
Laser Musket | 0001dacf |
Laser Gun | 0009983b |
Old Faithful | 001f61e2 |
Survivor's Special | 00225abc |
Good Intentions | 0022537b |
Prototype Up77 'limitless Potential' | 0023e5ee |
Righteous Authority | 001a2a2e |
Wazer Wifle | 00225965 |
Gatling Laser | 000e27bc |
Final Judgment | 00075fe4 |
Aeternus | DLC Code + 04ec35 |
Plasma Gun | 00100ae9 |
Experiment 18-a | 001f61e9 |
Sentinel's Plasmacaster | 00225967 |
Alien Blaster Pistol | 000ff995 |
Hub's Alien Blaster | DLC Code + 000000 |
Cryolator | 00171b2b |
Thirst Zapper | DLC Code + 007bc8 |
Salvaged Assaultron Head | DLC Code + 0100b7 |
Tesla Rifle | DLC Code + 003e07 |
Gamma Gun | 000ddb7c |
Lorenzo's Artifact Gun | 002266f7 |
Zeta Gun | 002266fc |
Acid Soaker | DLC Code + 007bc6 |
Baseball Grenade | 00107bd6 |
Cryogenic Grenade | 000ff21d |
Fragmentation Grenade | 000eebed |
Fragmentation Grenade Mirv | DLC Code + 033905 |
Smart Fragmentation Grenade | DLC Code + 0346fc |
Hallucigen Gas Grenade | 000e98e5 |
Fury Grenade | DLC Code + 02618b |
Persuasion Grenade | DLC Code + 023e60 |
Predator Grenade | DLC Code + 025b0a |
Homing Beacon | 00065dec |
Institute Em Pulse Grenade | 0018325e |
Molotov Cocktail | 0010c3c6 |
Nuka Grenade | 000e5750 |
Nuka Cherry Grenade | DLC Code + 040cdd |
Nuka Quantum Grenade | DLC Code + 040cde |
Plasma Grenade | 0010a33d |
Pulse Grenade | 000ff21f |
Bottlecap Mine | 0010771f |
Cryo Mine | 0010c669 |
Fragmentation Mine | 000e56c2 |
Nuke Mine | 0010a340 |
Plasma Mine | 0010a342 |
Pulse Mine | 0010a344 |
Artillery Smoke Grenade | 0012e2ca |
Institute Beacon | 00174f8f |
Synth Relay Grenade | 000589f2 |
Vertibird Signal Grenade | 00056917 |
Bear Trap | DLC Code + 054072 |
Bleeding Bear Trap | DLC Code + 0540f7 |
Caltrops | DLC Code + 05406e |
Poisoned Caltrops | DLC Code + 0540ed |
Assaultron Blade | DLC Code + 008b8e |
Sword Of Wonders | DLC Code + 050dd3 |
Zao's Sword | 00147be4 |
Combat Knife | 000913ca |
Pickman's Blade | 0022595f |
Disciples Blade | DLC Code + 01aabc |
Throatslicer | DLC Code + 04e422 |
Grognak's Axe | 00183fcd |
Machete | 00033fe0 |
Kremvh's Tooth | 0022576d |
Mr. Handy Buzz Blade | DLC Code + 0020f8 |
Revolutionary Sword | 00143ab5 |
Shem Drowne Sword | 0000364a |
Reckoning | 000fa2f6 |
The Harvester | DLC Code + 04fa7e |
Shishkebab | 000fa2fb |
Switchblade | 000fdc81 |
Baseball Bat | 0008e736 |
2076 World Series Baseball Bat | 000e9a43 |
Cito's Shiny Slugger | DLC Code + 04f084 |
Fencebuster | DLC Code + 04923c |
Rockville Slugger | 001f2674 |
Board | 0005c250 |
Commie Whacker | DLC Code + 052926 |
Lead Pipe | 000fc9c3 |
Pipe Wrench | 000d83bf |
Big Jim | 0023e5ec |
Pole Hook | DLC Code + 009582 |
Bloodletter | DLC Code + 034e7b |
The Fish Catcher | DLC Code + 05158d |
Pool Cue | 000fa3e8 |
Rolling Pin | 00142fab |
Security Baton | 0008c14d |
Sledgehammer | 000e7ab9 |
Super Sledge | 000ff964 |
Atom's Judgement | DLC Code + 03a388 |
Swatter | 00061721 |
Tire Iron | 00185d25 |
Walking Cane | 000fdc7d |
Boxing Glove | 0016498f |
Deathclaw Gauntlet | 000d8576 |
Knuckles | 0005524b |
Meat Hook | DLC Code + 04b5f4 |
Butcher's Hook | DLC Code + 05158c |
Power Fist | 0011b336 |
Fallout 4 Gun Mods Xbox 1
- Grip mods create pistol weapons, while stock mods create rifle weapons. This allows for almost any ranged firearm to be customized to fit the player's character build. Action Points and weapon mods edit edit source This section is based on research presented in YouTuber RedMage's video: 'Fallout 4: VATS and AP Formula Solved!'
- Feb 22, 2016 WW2 guns - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Requests: Hi all I am sure that I am not the only one who would like to see guns like the m1 garand, the K98, Lee Enfield variants ect in game. The M1 Grarand in Fallout New Vegas was one of my favorite weapons along with the K98 and Lee Enfield mods.
Wardaddy - For his amazing Winchester shotgun mod TrophiHunter Chad509 - For the great MP40 mod leo2link - For the classic M1911 Hitman47101 and DeadPool2099 - For the awesome Grease Gun mod Sam Fisher - For my personal favorite, the StG 44 covadonga - For the fantastic M24 Grenade models DeadPool2099 - HaRu and friends - For the Wattz Laser Gun. F allout 4 is one of those games that have a plethora of mods and can lead in a state of disarray and confusion, for that reason we created an extensive list with stuff like gameplay changes, immersion, graphics, weapons, armor and more. Craftable at the Chem station under 'Mechanicus Armoury'. Armour set includes Armour, hood, mask (two versions) and a coat. Ark Rifle comes with assorted mods - lasgun, lightning gun, trap lobber and flamer (for such is the ingenuity of the machine spirit). Galvanic Rifle - Similar to the hunting rifle, with an explosive option.